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Shorebreak Tech (SBT) leverages more than 25 years in BlueTech and maritime industries to provide experienced and enthusiastic business development and consulting for your company's technology and services. We take a different approach by seeking out every opportunity for all of our partners at every conference, exhibition, meeting, and demonstration. It is our opinion that there are less than six degrees of separation within the BlueTech communities and every moment with an audience should be used to uncover opportunities and provide comprehensive solutions. SBT's approach may involve leveraging partners outside our direct capabilities, ensuring the client receives a solution to their problem. 

Contact Shorebreak Tech for any of the following:  

  • Business Development and Consulting. SBT has a proven track record generating demand for innovative BlueTech companies in the fields of unmanned systems, sensors, interconnect, etc. By leveraging our extensive experience, cross-product knowledge, and worldwide 


Speaking at the BlueTech Summit - 2019, Scripps Seaside Forum.

       network, SBT is able to identify unique opportunities others may overlook and is known for creating collaborative groups to solve                   complex technical challenges.

  • Presentations and Technical Writing. SBT creates dynamic and compelling content for almost any audience, writing original papers and presentations that help the audience understand real and conceptual applications and complex technical data in engaging ways. SBT is comfortable presenting to any audience of any size and has sat on multiple panels. View the gallery for examples.

  • Exhibitions and Conferences. SBT believes you don't just "guard a booth". There must be a plan that involves getting the correct audience to your booth as well as canvassing the exhibits and talks to get your message to all of the co-exhibitors and industry professionals. SBT can help your team prepare a game plan to optimize your exposure where it is needed and not waste time where it isn't.

  • Proxy Services. With a history of successfully representing dozens of BlueTech companies and working in multiple BlueTech disciplines (from potting cable assemblies, to managing multi-platform demonstrations internationally, to operating a nuclear reactor on a navy submarine), SBT is capable of quickly learning your technology and how it relates to various BlueTech industries and applications. SBT can then work for you on a case-by-case basis, such as taking a meeting during SBT travel to remote locations you would not normally attend due to cost or limited resources. Check the SBT calendar on the Contact tab to see where we are next. Let SBT work for you! 

  • Technology Development & Analysis. SBT has significant experience participating in the development of new technologies from sensor packages to unmanned systems and systems of systems. Let SBT help your organization develop and launch truly competitive products and technologies, including finding the right partners and integrators.

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